Video of Deron Harrell
Video of Jack Buckmelter
Video of the journey
Jack Buckmelter – Junior Year 2014-15 Highlights
Video of Ravel Moody
2013 King of the Hill slamdunk contest
Billups Elite 2010-2013
Billups Elite 5th Grade 2012 Season
Billips Elite 17U Double Pump Tourney 04-12-13
Garrett Baggett Billups Elite Double Pump Tourney 04-12-13
Air Nigeria in the King of the Hill dunk contest 2013
Denver East #25 Ronnie Harrell steps back for 3.
Denver East #25 Ronnie Harrell pulls up for the 3pt shot.
Denver East great “D” leads to Jevon Griffin layup at end of 3rd
Chase Foster for two.